Schema Markup as a Service

Beneath the surface of a website, living in the code that most users never see, the best websites are enhanced with Schema markup.

What is Schema Markup?

In technical terms, Schema Markup is a way of formatting relevant information as JSON objects meeting predefined conventions to be consumed by search engines. For non-technical readers, it is a special way of putting the content on a website into the underlying code. Schema Markup uses JSON-LD to provide information to search engines.

What is JSON-LD?


a lightweight Linked Data format .It is easy for humans to read and write. It is based on the already successful JSON format and provides a way to help JSON data interoperate at Web-scale. JSON-LD is an ideal data format for programming environments, REST Web services, and unstructured databases such as Apache CouchDB and MongoDB.

Essentially, it means that we format our Schema Markup using the same syntax as JSON. The key-value pairs that are written in this format are specified by

What is Structured Data?

Structured Data is another term for Schema Markup that uses JSON-LD. It references the fact that Schema Markup is a format of presenting data in a structured way – in this case, presenting data specifically to search engines.

Why Do I Need Schema Markup?

Schema markup as a service provides value to businesses because it gives them access to special kinds of search results listings including “rich results” and “People Also Ask” in Google.

People Also Ask results in google for the query "schema markup."
People Also Ask results in google for the query “schema markup.”

These listings are considered prime real estate in the landscape of the search engine results page. Because they naturally demonstrate a website’s authority, and can potentially be shown to massive numbers of users for popular keyword phrases, they put your business in front of new audiences and can easily generate more clicks from a targeted user base.

Google recommends Schema Markup for every web page. Because it is code and it utilizes a defined conventional standard to organize information, Schema Markup is consumed and understood rapidly by search engines. No website has reached its potential if it is not leveraging Schema Markup.

Professional Schema Markup Services

Schema Markup might seem like a straightforward format, but anyone who has won rich results on a competitive results page knows that success in this area of professional SEO services requires more than simply markup up one’s content. It requires time, planning, and research in a number of key areas to get the most out of your content by investing in proper Schema Markup.

At Red Rocks Web Development, you will receive professional Schema Markup to enhance your website and help it to reach its full potential. Included in several of our professional web development & digital marketing packages, Schema Markup is also available as a standalone service. Get your website up to standard with schema markup today.

Custom Schema Markup Service

The best Schema Markup is customized for each page. Custom Schema Markup by a seasoned professional will open up your pages to target the keywords and concepts on the page in the most comprehensive way, building powerful relationships between the concepts presented in your content and the search engine’s ability to understand it.

Programmatic Schema Markup Service

Some kinds of Schema Markup, such as Product Schema, lends itself well to being programmatically generated. This gives your products and other media items a massive advantage in search engines and Google Shopping listings. Programmatic Schema Markup generation means that code is written to automate your website’s Schema Markup and generate the structured data on autopilot. This is a cost-effective way to add Schema Markup to your website and rapidly enhance your digital footprint.